As part of an Action Research professional development class I co-facilitated with my colleague Mary Richards, I modeled this inquiry project on removing grades from my classroom assessment practices.
In my ungraded classroom, students use peer, instructor, and parent feedback in collaboration with self-reflection to give themselves a final grade at the end of the semester. This is a response to the data-obsessed reform efforts of the first two decades of the new century that does little to inspire the wonderment and awe inherent in the acquisition of new knowledge.
In my ungraded classroom, students use peer, instructor, and parent feedback in collaboration with self-reflection to give themselves a final grade at the end of the semester. This is a response to the data-obsessed reform efforts of the first two decades of the new century that does little to inspire the wonderment and awe inherent in the acquisition of new knowledge.
Bolton, David L., and John M. Elmore. “The Role of Assessment in Empowering/Disempowering
Students.” De-testing and de-grading schools: authentic alternatives to accountability and standardization. Ed. Joe Bower, and P.L. Thomas. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2013. 126-140. Print.
Gullickson, Arlen R. “Student Evaluation Standards: A Paradigm Shift for the Evaluation of
Students.” Prospects 35.2 )2005) : 213-227.
Hoben, John. “Outside the Wounding Maching: Grading and the Motive for Metaphor.” De-testing
and de-grading schools: authentic alternatives to accountability and standardization. Ed. Joe Bower, and P.L. Thomas. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2013. 169-183. Print.
Kohn, Alfie. “The Case Against Grades.” De-testing and de-grading schools: authentic alternatives to
accountability and standardization. Ed. Joe Bower, and P.L. Thomas. New York: Peter Lang
Publishing, 2013. 143-153. Print.
O’Connor, Ken, and Rick Wormeli. “Reporting Student Learning: Despite advances in grading and
reporting, imprecision and lack of meaning persist.” Educational Leadership 69.3 (2011) :
40-44. Print.
Zoeckler, Laurence G. “Moral Aspects of Grading: A Study of High School English Teachers’
Perceptions.” American Secondary Education. 35.2 (2007), 83-102. JSTOR. Web. 25 Nov.