Action Research

Professional Development Facilitation
2017 ED 570.Invitational Summer Institute co-taught with Adam Mackie
2016 ED 570.103: Teachers as Writers Retreat Series, co-taught with Luke Almon, Jonathan Bartels, Mary Richards, and Joe Seitz
2015 ED 570.701 Write to Reflect and Refine Teaching Practice, co-taught with
Mary Richards
Baldiviez, J., Carol Bartholomew, Aldene Burrise, Sophie Wallace, and Mindi Vogel, (2021). “The JournEy Portfolio: Designing a Culture of Authentic Student-Centered ePortfolios From Kindergarten to Graduation.” The Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning ePortfolio Review. vol. 4, no. 2.
Seitz, H.J., Mindi Vogel & Jenna Baldiviez, (2017). The Alaskan journEy Portfolio. SITE Proceedings.
Vogel, M., Joe Seitz. (2016) “A Thousand Writers: Voices of the NWP: Teaching Writers, Not Writing.” English Journal. vol. 105, no. 4.
2017 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference (peer reviewed) - presented with fellow ASD teacher
Jenna Baldiviez and Dr. Hilary Seitz
2017 National Council of Teachers of English: "Reflective Conversations in the Writing Classroom" Poster Presentation with Joe Seitz
2017 Alaska Society for Technology in Education: The Journ”E”y Portfolio: Using Portfolios in a K-12 Setting - Presented with Jenna
Baldiviez and Carol Bartholomew.
2016 National Writing Project Conference: Round Table Presentation: Experimenting with an Extended Hybrid Invitational Summer Institute Co-facilitated with Jonathan Bartels and Adam Mackie
2016 AlaskaCan! Alaska Postsecondary Access and Completion Network: JournEy Portfolios and the Power of Student-Centered Assessment - Presented with Jenna Baliviez and Carol Bartholomew.
2015 National Writing Project Annual Meeting: Round Table Presentation: Building Capacity and Extending Our Reach Through Advanced, Open, andVirtual Institutes and Other Leadership Opportunities - Co-Facilitated with Jonathan Bartels and Mary Richards
2017 ED 570.Invitational Summer Institute co-taught with Adam Mackie
2016 ED 570.103: Teachers as Writers Retreat Series, co-taught with Luke Almon, Jonathan Bartels, Mary Richards, and Joe Seitz
2015 ED 570.701 Write to Reflect and Refine Teaching Practice, co-taught with
Mary Richards
Baldiviez, J., Carol Bartholomew, Aldene Burrise, Sophie Wallace, and Mindi Vogel, (2021). “The JournEy Portfolio: Designing a Culture of Authentic Student-Centered ePortfolios From Kindergarten to Graduation.” The Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning ePortfolio Review. vol. 4, no. 2.
Seitz, H.J., Mindi Vogel & Jenna Baldiviez, (2017). The Alaskan journEy Portfolio. SITE Proceedings.
Vogel, M., Joe Seitz. (2016) “A Thousand Writers: Voices of the NWP: Teaching Writers, Not Writing.” English Journal. vol. 105, no. 4.
2017 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference (peer reviewed) - presented with fellow ASD teacher
Jenna Baldiviez and Dr. Hilary Seitz
2017 National Council of Teachers of English: "Reflective Conversations in the Writing Classroom" Poster Presentation with Joe Seitz
2017 Alaska Society for Technology in Education: The Journ”E”y Portfolio: Using Portfolios in a K-12 Setting - Presented with Jenna
Baldiviez and Carol Bartholomew.
2016 National Writing Project Conference: Round Table Presentation: Experimenting with an Extended Hybrid Invitational Summer Institute Co-facilitated with Jonathan Bartels and Adam Mackie
2016 AlaskaCan! Alaska Postsecondary Access and Completion Network: JournEy Portfolios and the Power of Student-Centered Assessment - Presented with Jenna Baliviez and Carol Bartholomew.
2015 National Writing Project Annual Meeting: Round Table Presentation: Building Capacity and Extending Our Reach Through Advanced, Open, andVirtual Institutes and Other Leadership Opportunities - Co-Facilitated with Jonathan Bartels and Mary Richards